Across the past 18 months we have delivered business and stakeholder workshops and other events to over 200 businesses in the town.
This has led to a high level of engagement and given those businesses a real voice in the direction of the Town.
The Enterprise Zone is now firmly established as the driver of regeneration in the Town and is gaining real traction with funders and stakeholders.
We lead on business and education engagement for the Development Consent Order Process.
Gatwick is seeking permission to widen the existing Northern Runway to bring it into scheduled operations and so add capacity.
We have worked with business representatives, membership bodies, businesses and educators to understand the impacts, issues and opportunities for the area.
This work has included round table discussions, 1-1 meetings and speaking opportunities with groups across the region.
The forthcoming Local Industrial Strategy from the LEP highlights the importance of International Trade to the region.
We are working with the LEP to identify commercial opportunities with specific target destinations on the Gatwick Route Map and provide any inbound business with 'soft landing' support.
We also research and supply intelligence to the LEP in respect of global trade opportunities.
We carried out a 6-month project to provide Public Sector and Stakeholder opinion on a strategic employment site.
The graphic shows the destinations where we have developed real commercial connections to help any business trade internationally.
We support businesses trading to and from the UK and can support you in your trade aspirations.
We work with businesses to grow their profile in the region as well as support their growth ambitions.
This can be through activities such as organising events, influencing stakeholders, media profile or simply writing an effective and deliverable sales plan.